Let’s go on. And on. (nl translation)

So yeah. You didn’t plan it at all right. There was no fake pandemic, you didn’t change baseball bats, you didn’t have construction on running courts, faked hotels, faked our whole department for a while, faked the papers, faked the content, fucked my bicycle(s), faked the chess stuff, bullshitted on day 2 about my enormous preparedness, faked my ‘splendid isolation’ room, faked the audio out there, let everyone lie about everything, etcetcetc,

And those were just the first few days. You didn’t plan it at all right?


It was just me, obviously.

And your fake MIT mathematical genius polyglotty DonkeyBrainPlanPosterboy still owes me a fucking book on morals in Chinese, if you ever happened to have produced one that is.

No, I’m sure it were my actions that led to 4 years of beer for breakfast while being tortured.

Oh yeah, I’m very sure.

Now where’s my money? You suffer from a collective reading disability or what?

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