(There is a whole subsection on the Shitshow, maybe I should remove a few posts there.)
So as a further message to the big experts I can tell you that you have some 5-6 weeks left to ‘think up’ (as if that would take any effort) to compensate for at least 4 years of whatever the previous four years were?
Come on, admit it. You had planned everything in advance. Even the person who told me something about the Political University blocked me immediately when I got there after I messaged some simple stuff about a marathon. What do you think I am, stupid?
I know you’re a bunch of liars and manipulators, so I did the only thing you reply to: Complying with your program, so you could do more prepared damage.
Which, accidentally is one of the core notions of your own bullshit program, that is only paying attention to whatever it is what you want to hear that you consequently will hear. Heck, that was already the case around 15 years ago, and apparently it was such an epic success that you built a whole industry around it.
I like force feeding you, but it gets more boring when you literally tell it cuz you’re too smart and rather just add a few extra years –that were already planned– to the torture campaign.
I feel very calm. I have one purpose in life: Killing as many of you as I can.
And I will.
And you won’t be killed the normal way.
Trust me.
So if I were you I’d pay up in full and pretend that this never existed; otherwise you’re dead.
For if you hadn’t noticed yet.
I guess letting me live a normal life and comply somewhat instead of being overrated garbagebags was not only not interesting enough but also just didn’t make you feel kimochi enough, right?
The agony must have been truly awful. I truly do feel pity for ya.