En hij dronk

Dus…een dag of twee geleden dronk ik. En ik dronk. En dronk. Elf blikjes 麒麟 (Kirin). En dat was alles eigenlijk. M’n humeur was niet al te best, maar er is niets bijzonders gebeurd gelukkig. Ik dronk in stilte, denkend aan alle waanzin, terwijl ik een beetje naar muziek zat…

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Where is my Alcohol

The Murrican Side of the DonkeyBrainBrigade has a new president! Oh boy his name is Donald Trump apparently. When you have too much money on your hands why don’t you just invent a huge load of shit on some lofty torture and watch the disaster unfold no? And then tell…

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A Poem

Yeah I tried to write one myself, right, a few weeks ago, but I couldn’t really do it because, I don’t know, you have to be in some kind of mood, at least I have to. Otherwise it becomes just very mechanical and it just doesn’t do it you know….

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I cried. For many reasons. I tried to cover it because apparently that was necessary for the Dengue pesticide thing. It fell on my microphone, which fell on the floor. And now the monitor is at least partially dead. Not sure about my microphone. But it’s a stupid monitor only…

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In the mix

It’s about time to only write here every now and then. Sometimes you feel like writing, and sometimes you don’t. Sometimes it’s serious, and sometimes not so. The style will be diffferent from the past few posts. People who are familiar with the crap I write will know what I…

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