…on track, or whatever it’s supposed to be. I got very seriously ill for a while. Some 3.5 years actually, but things have been seriously improving. The past 3-4 years should not have happened. Well the past 10 probably, but okay.
I got really ill the past few years. I will not go into detail, but it’s no huge secret either. Just something with PTSD and in all fairness substance abuse. It’s not what people normally talk about, but life can be difficult, and that’s just how it is.
Things have slowly been improving though, so let’s hope we can get out of the most awkward shit soon enough. We really have to start all over again, I only own a few lousy clothes and some way overrated computer hardware and a bunch of debt xD Yeah great start. Here’s a little picture of the current situation of stuff that still works:

These are basically my possesions xD It’s not too bad actually, the caseless-thingie is my enormous server, and the hyperugly ‘great cable management + nice airflow, dude’ case is actually a fairly decent gaming rig. The well-trained eye will notice a few more things, but hey, that’s about it. This blog runs from there. Now please don’t hack me, will ya.
All right, but obviously this all needs to clean up a bit. I live in a dungeon, so there’s that as well. A bit of cleaning wouldn’t hurt.
All right I’ll be back posting stuff. I got some ideas. They’re simple, but might be interesting to some.
We’ll see how this works out this time.