In the mix

It’s about time to only write here every now and then. Sometimes you feel like writing, and sometimes you don’t. Sometimes it’s serious, and sometimes not so. The style will be diffferent from the past few posts. People who are familiar with the crap I write will know what I mean. But this one really has to be written here, for some reason that no one really will understand.

Without going into too much detail I can rightfully say that I went through hell the past few days. I’m sure it was necessary for something or so.

Not at all I would say, but okay.

While I was being half-dead I looked at some Youtube videos. A favourite hobby of mine. Not anymore actually, but I do not have much to do.

There still is some funky stuff here and there. 10 years ago I also spent quite some time at the inversed circle, but actually the 3D version. I didn’t write anything about that though.

But apparently, and that surely doesn’t come from me, but apparently they really have different types of math other than ‘calculus till you throw up’. Well obviously they do, but yeah.

I watched.


It is a bit weird. I wrote about my own take on social science. And it seems like they have weird dimension-agnostic stuff. And I was half listening half whatever I was doing.

And well, some other day I’ll write some more about this, but it seems, it seems that a few weird folk might have taken some nonsense seriously. I was serious about it anyway.

Contrary to popular belief I did study poli science for a reason.

Some might have picked it up. Good. I’m not a huge fan of game theory, I’m more of the psychological version, with the problem being that your level is abnormally low in that area.

But some might have not only read it but have understood what I wrote down, well and orated from some point on.

In that sense it has been successful. I have accomplished my ‘mission’. I don’t see it as my mission though xD

But I did study poli science for a reason. I think the point has come across. I got that feeling. I’m done with this nonsense, cuz I get used for experiments only anyway.

Now it’s very different. My backproblems are 100% back. There’s something else I have to focus on now. I’ve ranted enough.

But I have succeeded. Some of you might just say: “What’s that 10 years ago? Did you create a new persona? Did we drug you up too much? What was different?”

No it’s easy. I never do anything.

And then when I do something I do it way too rigorously. That’s what happened. It’s what always happens.

And I really wasn’t helped by your ‘wisdom’. I don’t need your wisdom. I need to get rid of your wisdom. The biggest hindrance in my life has been your wisdom.

But I might have succeeded. I’ll leave it at that. Things like math and such others can do much better than I can anyway. So that’s your job. I’d advise you to take the research direction I described. It’s a lot more complicated, but if it works, it works.

I don’t have much of an identity. But I do identify myself as a communist.

The oppressed still are far, far from free.

And the multiple ways of fooling that you have really agitate me up to this very day.

Come on, who do you think you’re fooling.

It turned out to become quite the sacrifice though, a man-made disaster on an epic scale, seen from my perspective.

But if you scientists have a conscience, then I do have a request:

I need to rest. And my back is dead. I cannot work, nor write a thesis.

I would really appreciate it if you would send some normal person to drag me out of this shit and dunno, help me move or so. And then let me rest.

Swim every day or so, I dunno.

And then rethink about what to do in life.

I thought writing wasn’t too bad.

But apparently it was hugely evil or so.

If you think that, then buy a mirror.

But okay. I’ve lost everything.

We’ll see how this works out.

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