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Okay. I’m am going to do a real attempt to get completely clean starting today. Things have and had been improving but I still get cockblocked after a few days by means of audio torture, probably because healthy beings are not welcome where I am, and people rather be morally superior or something along those lines. I really do not know, but after a decade of watching completely lunatic nonsense I can’t say I care either.

From now on my posts will be more mellow for sure. I hope only to blog a bit about things like simple math problems, chess positions, gaming, and that kind of stuff. The eleven year long rant on conventional stupidity is over. I just ended it with the final little story. One that seems weird, but isn’t. I’m obviously too lazy to comment on fake politics developments, so yeah, if that was the goal: Well Done. It’s hard to handle the truth, isn’t it. It’s much easier to amass a massive amount of resources and just brainwash and experiment your way through the years.

Other than the above there are still many, many leftover stories about you folk, and you know them, and you refuse to even apologize, let alone compensate in one way or another. It was far more important to get some imbecilic reprogramming campaigns in. It is sad.

We will see how quick my whole fake world with a past pandemic, post pandemic new realities and the rather epic amount of fake news gets removed. You went a bit over the top I guess, as you always do, really.

But it’s over! It could have been over almost a decade ago. But yeah, dealing with idiots who have planned your life well over a decade in advance is not easy.

If only they had turned out to be literate to begin with, I mean, what can you do if you can’t even read?

Thanks a lot.

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