The Truth

So if anyone has been reading diligently for over a decade, and listening for the past 3-4 years or so on top of that, it should be pretty easy to understand what has happened.

They screwed up, as usual. This is nothing new, the smart folk always screw up, and it’s obviously never their proble. This time however they did one of the most horrible things you can do to one psychologically. They knew, even sent people to me that they knew (in Guam and somewhat in Thailand, both 2013), and then still went on this lunatic rampage which was their disaster but then only in turbodrive.

The purpose was simple: Medicalizing me to such an extent that everything they had deliberately done wrong could be just medicalized and be made my problem, instead of theirs. In those days I complained lenghtily of the sad fact that I am a product of your genius and simply do not have anything of my own or with an official purpose that can be done.

You went on exactly doing that, forbidding everything and ruin me by means of torture, and conducting a massive social re-engineering project, because obviously I had and have problems, and you are the ones that were and are going to fix them. Judging from the programs that have been thrown at me I have an epic list of problems; in reality I’d say that 98% is just invented, manipulated and artificially created non-existent garbage.

Let’s talk a bit about the great AUKUS treaty. You must have prepared many years in advance already ‘ey. What a great way to waste and ruin someone’s life!

So that is what you did. Don’t worry, it’s my own life. This I’ve known all the time, and I have been appalled at the amount of lunacy that you’re allowed to display if only it’s in the name of science, religion and/or medical stuff.

So you did just that. And you knew all the time. And you must have known that I also knew all the time. Come ruin me some more, I absolutely do not care. Do whatever the fuck you want.

The deal was that for torture, and especially that of the organized kind, will be paid. So back the usual: Apparently there is only one language that you understand, that of $$$.

So where’s the $$$? It’s been 7-8 years now since I pointed that out, one would think that that’s enough time to think about your sins, even if you’re as smart as you actually are.



Where is it? You want to watch an even more beautiful end? I can deliver, if you insist 🙂

It’s not that I have much to lose, isn’t it?

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