On Genius Delusions – Two More

It’s a bit sad that we have to go on about this. To me this was the dumbest thing ever invented, and the biggest load of nonsense I have ever seen…and what this had to do with my life I have no clue at all, apart from that it succeeded exceptionally well in ruining me for life while at the same time completely ruining my life. I mean seriously, the apparent reason for my ‘second’ return to Taiwan was delusional enough already; there’s only everything wrong with the invented load of greatness there.

If the goal was to waste a decade plus solely on that, sure. There was nothing else, that you actually have achieved, apart from ruin and destruction. Congratulations.

The first great delusion: I think you have been bombarding with some Digital Nomad nonsense and world traveling plans for a decade by now.

If only I had those. You have literally invented everything there yourself, with me having absolutely zero input other than: “If you (or someone else) happens to be near my hometown or wants to go around and about there, I can show you.” I’d say that’s not a completely abnormal sentence when you live in fucking Asia and your hometown happens to be in Holy Dutchland.

Unless you’re a genius of course, set obsessed with creating a journey of torture, ruin and destruction. Then that’s obviously great information.

For that, you obviously have plenty of time.

So the rest you all manipulated and lied through. Literally everything. You created another big non-existent balloon and just wasted the years together, while surely believing you were actually doing something or so. Life like that is pretty uninteresting, but what’s worse is that you have to watch all the hobbies of a bunch of delusions imbeciles. Heck, you even had someone in real life asking a year ago whether or not I would stay in another country for an extended time again.

Apart from Taiwan I never did. My time in Korea was artificially engineered, and I extended it because I was not interested in your retarded programs, for good reasons it turned out.

Didn’t it?

Let’s move on to delusion no. 2. This one is fairly severe. Back then for a month or 2, probably a bit longer, right, I was playing some version of multiplayer tetris, one that they (used to) have on Facebook.

Now if you take that somewhat seriously you kind of know by heart/memorize/recalculate so often that you get it anyway what pieces have what kind of rotations. The ones that have three horizontal blocks and then one extra vertical block (or the other way around) I never got my head around, which is a bit strange. Now if you play that a bit too often you can just together with some peace, spend 20 minutes on it, and voila, you’ve gotten 500 rating points stronger in just 20 mins — and 2 days of sleep probably.

A leftover of the education system. You can get out of it, rather easily, but the recipe is the exact opposite of what I got, ergo I still can’t do it.

Because why would you spend 20 minutes on something uninteresting but positive if you can also spend 11 years on hyper-interesting experiments that cause massive destruction while yielding no results at all?

That’s an easy choice, isn’t it?

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