The Final Result of Genius @ Work

I dreamed a bit. I guess it was better than the usual nightmares, but even that can be debated.

I dreamed I went to her place and just bluntly opened the door and walked in and went as far as I could. It was a big place, and actually quite pretty. I walked on until I was in the living room, which was really bright and while standing there looking around someone said “Hey, Stop”, but wasn’t surprised whatsoever.

It was her sister. She said “I’m eating some cheese. Here, have some cheese, let me cut it for you”. She was stumbling a bit, so I said “Nah, don’t worry, I’ll cut a piece myself”, and ended up cutting a really shitty piece lol.

I asked: “Is she here?” to which she said: “I don’t know. Let me go and look. I never know where she is these days. She just sleeps and goes out! What a great life huh?”

And I was like “??” but said something along the lines of “Sure”.

She went back and looked for her (I presume), and upon return simply said

“No, she’s not here right now.”

“When is she normally here?”, I asked.

“I really don’t know. “, she replied. “Why don’t you try some other time?”

“Will I ever see her again?”, I asked.

“I really don’t know”, she replied.

That went on for a little bit (“If I come here 10 times I will miss her 10 times, right?”), until she said “Have some more cheese”

And I said “All right, let me cut it”

And cut a better piece;

And left.

Eleven years ago she did give me her address. By then I was already so infuriated by the whole shitshow that I didn’t even bother writing it down. At the time my eyes got fixed by other nicely manipulated means, which had to be destroyed again anyway. It was all planned.

And we will not meet or even talk again.

So that’s another eleven years down the drains, with massive destruction, a lunatic social re-engineering campaign and a newly erected industry solely dedicated to making my life as shitty as possible and getting as many scientific experiments in as can possibly be done, while ruining and destroying as much as you possibly can and could get away with. You have hairdressers that try to pull out as much hair as possible and instructed to be d0rks (which is their natural state of mind anyway, but hey). That’s how low you are.

Even writing about politics had to be taken out and replaced by a bunch of Koreans and Murricans whining about gender all the time, with Ukrainian flags polluting the internet literally everywhere to celebrate support for a side in a non existent war, not to mention a fake pandemic to get social programs and movement limitations in. I’m sure there’s also sex in math problems, and I don’t know what else you were and are capable of coming up with. And best of all: I was to blame for every single thing anyway, right?

Thanks a lot. Here is the brief summary of your genius:

You have no conscience. You have no soul. You have no brains. You are extremely biased, totally empty beings, obsessed with freak shows and hardly capable of even understanding that you exist, let alone understanding that you exist in something called ‘a world’.

You are the lowest of the lowest. There is nothing lower than what you are. Like I’ve said many times before: You ended your program before you even seriously started it.

You will never be forgiven.

The End

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