And they went euphoric: “WE CAN READ NOW!”

Yes, it’s important to take responsibility when you’re told to do so, especially for deliberately ruining someone’s health and life by a drugging up campaign and subsequent smart talk about it. Even chess folk were hired to tell me that they had fucked up — but would continue with insane experiments nevertheless.

That’s not called ‘taking responsibility’ at all. That’s just delusional smart folk with big plans who are stuck doing a really lousy rpg as we speak.

You took responsibility by adding 11 years of ruin and torture, designed to destroy someone for life and get hyperimportant programs in that otherwise would never have been allowed. Wow, the self-sacrifice to conduct such a program as means of taking responsibility for what you had done must have been truly out of this world.

Reading is hard, isn’t it? Inventing nonsense is much easier. As long as everyone believes you, you can get away with anything, as long as you’re a group of overrated lunatics judging others from very high and comfortable chairs.

It is your fucking shitshow, not mine. I already took my responsibility, and none of you with your superiority complexes ever did. You just hired more people and went on with the shitshow as if you’re the holiest beings on earth. I’m not responsible for anything that’s related to that, as it’s your shitshow. You take responsibility for everything, and have to offer compensation for everything in it.

Anything to add to that?

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