Some Basics: What kind of people are into and behind this type of madness?

When I was 23 I came to Taiwan to learn Chinese, originally for a year. It’s fair to say that that turned out quite differently. I had retired chess 2 years before, and didn’t really intend to seriously play. I did end up playing a few really lousy rapid tournaments though (I might edit some details in here later), and scored (I think) 20.5/21 after three tournaments. All wins and 1 draw, I’m just not sure about the amount of rounds. I always used to say I scored 26.5/27, but to be fair….20.5/21 seems more likely. As you surely can understand however the exact amount of games is not what matters here.

Wanna be psychologists, sociologists, and members of the moral police are invited to take keen notice on what happened next.

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