“I can’t heal him”

Is what I was told yesterday, with ‘him’ being yours truly in this case. No obviously you can’t heal him. Your whole program is designed such as there is not going to be any form of “healing” whatsoever. In fact, the core of it is the notion that it is much more convenient to have me as dysfunctional as possible so you can get your programs in without too much ado.

Every time I heal myself –because it is obvious that you do not have such a thing in your dictionary and/or toolbox– you simply block it, like you block everything I do; I’m sure because of you had already planned your Great Reading Failure. The real solution, or ‘healing’ would simply be to fuck off with the program that never should have existed in the first place and just let me live my life instead of ruining it. I’d have been fine in no time. Now the damage is irreversible, and my feeble talents are wasted, but that was the goal anyway.

Hey, why don’t you spend your time supporting the mightily powerful joint Russian-Tadjik military cooperative that is defending Europe against the ruinous influence of poppies, or maybe invent a new Southern Border crisis? I haven’t seen one in a while, but may I suggest a suitable candidate?

Ozz. I’d say Australia is an excellent candidate for a next Southern Border Crisis. Heck, if people walk to the Murmansk area to conveniently enter Europe, then why not an Ozz Southern Border Crisis, right. With geniuses like you I’m sure you can do it!

If Ozz turns out to be a bit too complicated, then how about Barbados, or maybe South-Africa? Again, I’m sure you’re capable enough to figure something out!

Yeah, so yesterday you got all the greatest of greatest nonsense in. Construction literally 2 meter from me (with two razor thin walls in between), the lunatic online hallelujah on my private streaming platform(s), etc, etc, etc. Hey at least you got time for all that kind of nonsense, right.

No obviously you can’t heal him. Your program is not designed for that. Your program is designed to conduct a bunch of hyperimportant scientific experiments to please the scientists and a social re-engineering program to please the whatever the fucks out there that pollute the streets. If I quit drinking, do sports, do some studying, or mentally get better in whatever other form or shape they crank up the torture immediately; which is auditive torture for the most in my case, combined with earthquake-type of stuff.

And then we automatically get at least four extra weeks of bloody arms and at least 3 weeks of alcohol, because I helped you a bit with your ‘reprogramming’ efforts. Great job you did there, hey.

“You can’t heal him.”

What a joke. That never was the goal anyway. The goal was to waste and destroy my life for as long and as much as you could possibly get away with;

And So You Did!

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