To the Language “Experts”

They’re trying hard to find a way to speak without get punched in the face when meeting face to face, which was about time after 11 years of ruinous nonsense. The amount of money these folk have to pay should get me through all the lives that I have left, although it’s doubtful that they’ll beat the chess players or the medical-psychiatric complex in this respect.
Yesterday we got them big brains in. Just to point out one random things: They had “figured it out”; for example that if you’re used to saying A then you might continue saying A, especially in a second language.

Amazing stuff, really. The kindergarten kids got their one and a half braincell working there. Oh btw I knew you were thinking that, and if you were serious about it (whether one should is a whole topic in and by itself) then there would have been a simple solution: Allowing for something worthwhile to do for a change. If you were serious about it that is. Don’t tell me it’s never mentioned anywhere; it’s only been mentioned approximately 5000 times by now.

But I’m living among people so insanely obsessed with their program that along one of them running tracks, the donkeys even changed their baseball bats for metal ones so hits with it would produce a similar pitch as was and is being used for the torture campaign.
And for the ‘doing something’ thing? Oh no worries, they can produce a bunch of fake papers, fake worlds, fake pandemics, fake this, fake that, and then surely have their big brains watching while in deep thoughts contemplating what the hell could be wrong with me and how they can make my life even more miserable.

We’re talking the highest level of obsession combined with the highest level of brainlessness at work here. That’s not how you ‘heal’ someone, obviously, but then again, that never was the goal anyway. Heck, if that’s what you wanted you could have done that within two months.

But why would you heal someone in two months if you can also completely destroy someone in eleven years, right?

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