Retards@Work – The Millionth Iteration

It’s very hard isn’t it. You fucked up completely, but still just have to get in all that nonsense that you waited to get in for years for started…which is called 沒有誠意 or absolutely non-believable whatsoever, then completely bullshitted your way through an atrocity that you inflicted yourself, and did by means of torture and ‘highly sophisticated’ psychiatric therapy sessions (aka. Freud, Pavlov & brainwashing, so sophisticated my ass), and now that you probably finally have realized that you’re completely and full of shit, you decide that you have to get these hyperimportant NON-WOKE messages through no matter what.

Otherwise you’ll die right. The people will start rioting because they want more torture, and you of the smart folk brigade will have to admit that at least 7 years of torture were completely useless at least, uncalled for as the better way to phrase, and a massive atrocity without any single reasonable purpose as the real way of describing it.

And boy, would that be expensive!

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