Nintendo Going for Speedrunning?

It’s fair to say that most of the world surely has never heard of this ‘speedrunning’ thing. This is the ultimate nerd activity, if you want to call it that. In my experience it’s simply what you start doing after you’ve finished a game approximately 50.000 times in all possible ways and beyond (which was a common thing on the NES), so then you simply start running through the game as fast as you possibly can, or at least that’s what eleven year old me used to do.

Heck, now some 30 years later there’s an official ‘race through NES’ game incoming (called Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition), and the best part: You can race against people born the same year as you, which means that even Good Ol’ Me has a chance of trying to win some Glory.

Boy, I can’t wait!

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