An Outing into Organized Narcissism

Look what greatness appeared in my Youtube recommendations (of all things, sure):

Even the Dutch aren’t trying that hard, and I know what I’m talking about here, because they’re pretty awful already. But was worse is that this was an integral part of The Shitshow, of which the geniuses had thought up stories and events along the following lines:

Jensen Huang, charismatic leather jacket wearing CEO of NVIDIA and the great American-Taiwanese hero who lately has visited Taiwan to tell the locals to not be afraid ‘to speak the truth’ and ‘should be allowed to work for Taiwan as he is Taiwanese’, used the semiconductor monopoly that he and his friends had gathered to spread Covid-19 and create a pandemic that led to worldwide supply problems and, with a bit of a delay, worldwide inflation. The great importance of Taiwan to the world was hereby shown, and now one can do without them. Taiwan Number One!

If you are reading this and are like ‘uh, what the hell is he talking about’, then I can rightly say :

“Indeed, The ShitShow went pretty far, and showed off some pretty interesting tendencies in the ideal world and actual actions of the authors and enforcers.”

But at least the whole world suddenly knows what ‘CCP’ stands for. Also part of The Grand Shitshow. It’s always great to have your army of un(der)employed imbeciles with unlimited resources executing the great delusions of a bunch of scientists, hyperintelligent chess players, and other freaks, right?

But today, let’s all Hail Taiwan, Jensen Huang, and Brother Number One!

Let me help you a bit so you don’t need to show off your stupidity for years on end anymore: Anyone remembers Brother Number One? I’m talking about the iconic figure of the late 70s somewhere not far from here.

He fits in that list rather well, don’t you think?

Taiwan Number One!

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