The Selective Reading Bias Revisited

So once I finished the previous post I suddenly realized something. I tried to think up another character that would meet the requirements of that peculiar little group that they teach you about in 漢字理論. Which is pretty interesting. Again, as pointed out clearly in that particular post it’s not my biggest interest or so. But hey, when you’ve spent years on learning the damn things (and then have a bunch of geniuses wasting years trying to erase it as part of a big program), you’re obviously also not completely disinterested. As the blog post clearly states though, 90% of things were a bit over my head and I wasn’t interested enough to work really hard to compensate. Maybe I should have, but I thought it would never be enough anyway. One of ’em education system leftovers, right.

However I realized that you used your brains once again. And as usual went way over the top. So the title is “Chinese Characters Stuffed Up the Arse“. All right that’s obviously not the friendliest title. However it was really simply meant as vernacular, I was and a decade later still am, just highly frustrated with your fucking garbage. It turns out that 裏 means ‘inside’ and 丁 means needle, nail, etc (as in the picture) and 丁字褲 means G-string. Actually I didn’t learn the word in that context. I learned from a textbook actually where it describes what aboriginals wear (as a part of aboriginal culture). So there are words like 舟 in there (a particular type of boat, you can look it up). So you know, that type of clothing is also called 丁字褲, which literally translates to nail-character-pants.

No shit, that’s actually how it is. Now if you’re from the ‘we’re gonna see everything we want to see everywhere we want to see it’-brigade then you can indeed stick that needle up and inside yer ass so to say.

The only problem is that I didn’t think of that at all. Like zero. Seriously, I wish I was that smart. I’m not that smart. This was pure coincidence. I thought it was pretty cool cuz I remember no classmate (all local students) replying anything, and I would have been the only one. And sometimes it’s a bit awkward. It often is, but sometimes you have to ignore that. But this time, imagine if it would be correct. The oohs and the aahs…Brave New World, you know.

Sometimes you don’t want. It’s nice to hear if you never get it of course. But sometimes, you just don’t want it. So I didn’t say anything.

And actually, that’s the point. I did not think of anything remotely sexual or anything along those lines. And I’m sure that you folk read it and had your conclusions ready.

Well if that’s the case then you were very, very wrong.

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