When I write irreparable…

…then I mean irreparable. So don’t come up with more therapy, or whatever you want to call that freakshow.

Well just in between, it’s pretty obvious how the interactions between me and anything that remotely resembles chess world will be (and largely already had become anyway). Permabans. If you don’t give them out, then I will or get them or give them out myself. That’s your language, right. Good. At least we’ve been over that now. Consider it institutionalized.

Yes your freakshow. I’m not going to spend many words on this, but they only work for increasing the amount of nightmares. Don’t worry, I already have enough of them on the Moonbeams and Butterflies, you just did not know. They are terrifying. They are more in the range of getting completely beaten up by her and then be thrown at some other people to be beaten up a bit more. You know, that kind of stuff. Luckily it’s only been 11+ years now so I’m convinced that at the very least you are very satisfied with your achievements.

Yeah pretty regular. Not every day or so, but, dunno, on average once every month? I don’t really know. A bit more this year but that’s not hugely surprising I’d say.

You can’t ‘fix’ this anymore. First of all you don’t want to. You are stuck with a big shitshow that requires all kinds of completely fucked up nonsense to be forced through and anything and everything has to obey certain completely fucked up rules in order to get some lunatic bullshit through that I’m supposed to both be and be believing in. I guess that’s your problem, not mine. It just so happens that I’m the object (or in Dutch: lijdend voorwerp).

And even if you would want to fix it, you can’t. First of all you’ve taken away and destroyed everything, removed all trust, and replaced everything with the aforementioned freakshow. Secondly would it require 2 million bucks and at least a year of total peace somewhere with no freaks. That’s not going to happen obviously, for more than one reason. Your shitshow does not work like that, and also: Even if you’d want to, then it turns out that you actually can read when it suits and that you’ve closed the door!

<Taiwan people very smart so just slammed door! (literally) Wow ‘ey! Probably passed Grade 1 Reading Class There!>

Yes, you were very smart all these years. These are very tough therapies, right?


Yeah but you’ve already closed the door. So you can’t. And neither do you want to, so that’s simple. But if you wanted to, you wouldn’t be able to. Because you are so smart, and work very hard.

Worst case scenario built-in stuff. I had to do this, because you folk had proven to be impossible and were both announcing and forcing through absolute horror, all in the name of genius.

No we talked only twice or so during these 11 years, so seriously, what actually is wrong with you no one knows. But hey, I guess it did fit your narrative really well, so there you go.

Again, with such geniuses the world does not need retards.

With hindsight it can be said that the few things I briefly mentioned (and forced you to read, because you categorically refuse(d) to communicate) did work out as intended. No I was not writing in code. The nightmares did disappear, literally. Even now I don’t have them on everything. Even my classmate, I do have some, but it’s like once a year or so? Well it depends. It’s not even extremely abnormal I’d say. However there is something broken there, but I can’t do much about that. Some weird stress reaction that has only made worse by you folk. Thanks a lot btw. With a shoutout to the Korean Donkeys for their unwanted and unwavering support.

A normal answer back then and no freak rpgs would have worked fine, I’m sure. But obviously you had all kinds of big plans, and essentially they just ruin and does not make my life nor the world anything better. I don’t understand why I’m being used for this. On the case of Butterfly there was one sentence written, and again, you read it the way you read it. You went even more wrong there than I expected. What you came up with afterwards really tells a lot more about you folk than it does about me. By then literally the only thing you had to do was fucking off with all your genius. As an illustration let’s paraphrase the omnipotent Chris D:

I’m a mix of the two greatest races on earth, the Caucasians and the Chinese. Watch the greatness that will come out of this!

And greatness it was. Whether it still is or not, you can decide for yourselves.

My Butterfly. That changed from trashtalking friends to hugs and kisses to a complete freakshow where people planned and executed one of the biggest atrocities ever seen. And even when they realized themselves that they had gone way over the top they just found a shitton of new folk and continued it.

And top of this were being smart about it, for only more than decade.

I can’t do much about such determination. If you want to ruin someone then just do your thing. It’s not that I cared much anymore afterwards.

And so it was.

This is all on a personal level. It’s a pity. I don’t want to live on anyway, and I’m more than ready to die. You could also have killed me back then, but decided that the shitshow was better. Good for you. I could also have lived a normal life, but I guess that was not interesting enough.

Regardless, I will die soon. There are a few options, you can choose one if you’re interested in seeing a particular one. There will not be any attempt anymore afterwards, so choose wisely I guess?

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