Auditive Irregularities – And The Institutional Inability to Self-Correct

No. It’s not about the tone of someone’s voice. It’s about the tone in which something is said by a group of someone, which can be close to anything. Hence, me quickly getting a headache when in NL. There are many very superior people over there, trust me on that.

But that’s actually not why I left the Netherlands. I didn’t know the audio part back then, just that there I would never be taken as a human being, something they truly made true.

I did not even understand the auditory stuff completely until around and about a decade ago or so. I knew return would equal suicide. As per usual have your experiments only made things worse, not better. A known pattern, isn’t it? One wonders what is wrong with you;

You did not believe it? You rather wasted 10 years of my life on different things, aka. ‘your favourite hobbies’?

You really need to get ‘close to racist’ comments from me to start realizing it?

My god.

MURRICA! MURRICA! MURRICA! And while we’re at it, lemme get some French Fries and a bite of Zeeuws Meisje.

Jesus Christ.

Just stop those programs in the name of whatever you want. They ruin far more than they’ll ever fix. As a reminder: They have already done so, so what makes you think that now suddenly you’re going to see the light?

Living a life with all the constraints you artificially gave to me is hard enough already; I don’t need a bunch of hyperintelligent fuckheads who are dedicated to making things worse in my life, if you don’t mind, pretty fucking please and all that.


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