

So I was clean for the past 6 days out of the past 9. I was also working out 6 days out of the past 9. In fact all of my clean days were working out days, with a real 1:1 correlation.

I sense a pattern lol.

Which makes one wonder what I got my life wasted on; I mean the audio torture and fake campaign literally went as far as the gym and running courts (no shit), and lasted for close to a decade.

Which makes you wonder many things. Many have been written down already anyway;

But who thought this up again?

And why on earth would you do this?

Anyway, things have been improving. It seems that if people just bugger off, leave me alone, let me do something, let me live, and preferably would just compensate for some lofty torture;

then somehow things seems to be totally fine.

What a surprise.

The working out part is going really well. I think the longest bikeride was close to 60km already, with 30 degrees in burning sun. I got a bit of an allergic reaction on my nose, but that’s normal after 3-4 hours in the sun out of nothing.

The parts that I control myself are going remarkably fine.

If only there would be some recognition for this instead of people meddling with things they do not understand, right?

I’m not asking for a lot. Just quitting your campaign of ruin will suffice.

I mean, if you don’t kill me, then at least let me live a life, right.

Currently at 124kg. Now let’s see how many lifetimes it’s gonna take to shave 40kg (=your damage) off.

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