Yeah this post won’t really have a single 重點 or so. It’s probably just going to be a mashup of the usual nonsense and I don’t know, we’ll see.
Let’s just type a bit for the sake of typing. I’m getting decent at it I guess, after doing nothing other than that for years and years now. Oh yeah, and watching the dumbest nonsense ever thought up of course.
Well let’s start with water. I gave away one of the points already. This one, and that’s rarer than you think for sure, actually would have had a little sidequest so to say. It would have been about water, but actually about the deadly combination of nihilism and egocentrism in the mix.
Not in any complicated way or so. But I’ll separate the two now. I prefer combining as much shit into on because 1) i’m used to that now and 2) you folk need more reading lessons. You just suck at reading. For some reason you categorically refuse to finish grade one while insisting on staying smart about everything.
That’s not how things should work, and have worked in my life, but that’s why you invented double standards, right. But yeah, the water thingie will be really innocent now. I’ll save the business oriented rant for some other day, when I’m a bit more in the mood for that. Right now I’m not.
I thought that after a little period of ranting on everything things would make a return to normal, in whatever form or shape, and life would go on. And as mentioned before, although I forgot if it’s to my monitor or on this blog: I would have continued writing, but also about just normal and positive and the real life part of things. I thought of this. Let’s say life does become normal again, or even good, will you go on writing?
If you would ever have a family, would you write about it? And I thought ‘yes’, a bit. But not in excruciating detail or so. But hey, some funny stories and some pictures never have hurt anyone. Well, you know what I mean.
I thought of that. But you did what you did. Hey, at least you’re smart and work very hard. I guess in your world that pays for everything. Especially when you’re bunch of overrated freaks I presume.
Yeah my quest for learning Japanese has failed. I didn’t even seriously start yet, so that’s a bit dumb. It’s a few months of painstaking stuff. Yeah just work. I could start tomorrow. It will take a few months, but if I’d end up really doing that then the improvement would be real, I’m pretty sure about that.
There is thing though that it’s really painstaking work for a few months and your program does not allow for any positive rewards. Even learning Korean was too dangerous or whatever went on in your genius brains, and Chinese had to be ruined as well, probably because that’s how you treat people who learn things faster than you. You just sell them out to get experimented on and ruined and mutiled for life.
Don’t worry, that’s what we all do.
I can’t say that the construction noises are reassuring so to say, although it is really true that physically I got tons better here in Japan just after a few weeks. However the ptsd part is just the same. That parts of it are completely unhealable by now is one thing, but the insistence on keeping that complete and utter bullshit of yours alive is worrying.
You should have understood by now that that the biggest block to doing anything. I have zero motivation. Writing a thesis would not have been too hard after having written 20.000 blog pages, especially since I know that the level is not high.
Facts, you know.
But genius kicked in, and added a fake pandemic and four extra years of complete lunacy, isn’t it.
This is not reassuring. Your fucked up fake program caused disaster from the get go. Maybe you should just not be doing it. Who cares about your great reprogramming programs and your fantastic experiments.
No one cares. And my life has been completely destroyed on top of that, in the name of it had to be done, and we know, because we are the brigade of illiterate donkeys.
It’s a pity though.
It would mentally also have been a good thing. It would have been. But hey, you succeeded in destroying all my skills.
I’m sure it has made the world a better place.
Together with your brainwash campaigns designed to hide what you had done.
Go live with it, and rewatch all the footage of me automutilating while doing so.
And be proud of yourselves I guess?