Well Done!

Congratulations on your major achievement! You have 100% decisively ruined my life without leaving any possibility of even repairing the tiniest bit. Now that’s some real skill. You know how hard it is to gather a bunch of people and be dedicated to the destruction of someone? Even my friends…

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And I drank

So 2 days ago I drank. I drank and I drank. 11 cans of 麒麟 (Kirin). And that was about it really. I wasn’t in the greatest of moods, but nothing serious happened anyway. I just drank silently, contemplating my woes or so, listening to music. And I sat there….

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Where is my Alcohol

The Murrican Side of the DonkeyBrainBrigade has a new president! Oh boy his name is Donald Trump apparently. When you have too much money on your hands why don’t you just invent a huge load of shit on some lofty torture and watch the disaster unfold no? And then tell…

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The second post of today!

Isn’t it amazing, two posts today! I did my 28km of cycling. I’m not even tired. I’m okay again I think. Physically at least, apart from the 32kg overweight issue that’s still there. And well, swollen limps, broken back, ruined teeth, destroyed arms, wasted skin, and all kinds of other…

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And Another Day

…has come. I have been translating my blog a bit. First in Dutch, because that’s just silly. It’s going well. It made me realize that the less nonsensical nonsense comments I trash down the better. Things have blown a bit out of proportion I guess. And I’m sure the experts…

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