Nintendo World Championships – 007
The usual. From a few weeks ago I think.
The usual. From a few weeks ago I think.
At the very least I’ll be having the Freudian champion of your shitshow around 105-106kg sending some Freud approved smilies in preparation of the real glory of the non-existent Covid pandemic! Boy you folk are rich. How are the books on ethics in Chinese going by the way? Having yet…
…I’m in Japan, of all places. Now I’ve been here before of course, for a few visa runs. This time though I’ll be here for around and about 10 weeks. A pretty long time. I never expected to be in Japan for 10 weeks? Things are going fine actually. Well,…
Seems real though. Pretty late in the season. It happens. Not exactly what one would call ‘exactly at the right time’. We’ll see. EDIT: Nah that typhoon was fake as hell.
Yes, the geniuses just don’t know how to stop their addiction to fake programs. There’s a fake typhoon raging through Asia folks! It’s as real as the fake pandemic. And the big Russo-Ukranian war. And Ronald Dump. And your whole existence, really.
I’ll be going to Japan in a few days. I have no idea what to expect. For two and a half months even. This came really unexpected. I don’t mind though. Hopefully they leave me alone a bit so I can do a bit of an attempt at repairing myself….
Now I do not believe I’m the one you should listen to when it comes to this particular topic, so obviously feel free not to read this. However, I seem to have a solid fanbase of freaks, so whatever, right. I did mention the thing a few times though. The…
It’s getting hard.
不懂交通規則就不要按喇叭不要獨立就不要羅嗦不要回歸也不要羅嗦不會做人就不要當智障不會英文就不要大喊Die you die you不認字就不要閱讀不想付款就不要想出豬腦大計畫不懂人就不要煩人不懂人就不要犯人不懂事就不要辦事不懂倫理就趕快去拜拜不懂世界就不要花十幾年推出你的垃圾 沒資格講話就不要開口沒國際地位更不要折磨人沒辦法不折磨人就先處理自己沒有大腦就不要動腦沒自信就不要當自戀狂沒有心管肺癌就不要發明疫情沒疫情就不要講後疫情社會 當素辣就不要找別人當文盲就不要看字 想要看更多嗎?沒問題啊,好好跟我溝通就好,我死忙前還可以好好爲您們服務囉~謝謝大家!