Nintendo World Championships – 005
As I’m playing this way too inconsisstently (as in once every few weeks on average) I decided to use a little playthrough for a while to increase quality of life. This guide is the one I used for this stream. The gameplay pace is therefore somewhat slow, but things are…
It turns out, after being bombarded for over a decade with similar nonsense (I guess), that apart from your dopamine greatness you seriously and deliberately cockblocked me in workout and healing attempts and even had my own mother participating in the ‘getting him as unhealthy as possible’ program, while being…
Japanese. Copious amounts of Japanese.
Now this is the real moment for a little self-intervention. I have been slacking. Well, I can’t blame myself. You’d understand if you saw my living conditions. Still. I did things right for 50%. Not bad. But this time it’s going to be 100%. If not, I’ll die. And in…
Mostly a memorizing words session, the most agonizing part of learning any language if you ask me. Starts around 6:47.
Some more medical things though, one might or might not expect to have less nightmares when sleeping without being intoxicated (by alcohol). Not true. Yesterday alone I had at least four different nightmares (I don’t remember everything though, so it could have been even worse). If anything, it’s only getting…
Don’t watch this. It’s nontent first class; nothing happens apart from Link mindlessly running around and Yours Truly rambling like a true mudhead. However if you’re interested in ‘Scientific Taiwanese and Worldwide Donkeys’ I strongly suggest you watch this. You can see the 2500th iteration of the same question being…
Mr. Slowbrain at work.