Let’s go on. And on.

So yeah. You didn’t plan it at all right. There was no fake pandemic, you didn’t change baseball bats, you didn’t have construction on running courts, faked hotels, faked our whole department for a while, faked the papers, faked the content, fucked my bicycle(s), faked the chess stuff, bullshitted on…

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More on the Shitshow

(There is a whole subsection on the Shitshow, maybe I should remove a few posts there.) So as a further message to the big experts I can tell you that you have some 5-6 weeks left to ‘think up’ (as if that would take any effort) to compensate for at…

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Tiny Pieces of Money

Now let’s write a bit about some nonsense the way I actually intended to write over a decade ago, which is just a load of nonsense with some serious stuff intermingled. I actually did do that for a while, but obviously the big brigade of epic retards had infallible analysis…

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Important Stuff

As in clothes. Well, you can’t argue with that. Clothes are important. I finally got a decent hoodie for the first time in years. Not that you really need those most of the time in Taiwan, apart from a few months, but hey, it’s important to have a decent hoodie,…

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I forgot to charge my phone, so no fancy nonsense today. I biked around 50km I think (it was a bit of a new route). I’ll try to bike 40-60km a day 6 days a week from now on. I’m going slow as barf so it’s not even tiring me…

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